Classes, guides and artwork for you or a loved one .
I have had a wonderful Fall working with women in many different capacities: from the warmth of the mutually inspiring Meditation & Art class to the profound explorations of the Inner Landscapes class to providing 1:1 support for women going through grief and cancer treatments.
Here's a glimpse of some of my upcoming offerings this winter. I hope you will join me in exploring the deep well of creativity that exists in all of us.
Meditation & Art Class, January 20 - April 7, 2023, Fridays 10-Noon EST online
Archetypal Doll Making, February 2023, includes an art kit, online
1:1 Coaching, through grief, illness, anxiety, with therapeutic art and reiki
Personalized Totem Doll, custom made based on a questionnaire
Intuitive Readings, upon request, written reading to help guide your soul
Art Making Guides, three available: Intuitive Art, Collage and Bookmaking
In my studio, I love being in conversation with earthen clay through my hands and heart to create objects of beauty and inspiration. I am producing a series of barrel-fired ceramics with gorgeous cosmic patterns from the fire and an earth-tone series utilizing applewood ash and Maine sea mud glaze. I always love receiving custom orders too.
If there is something you would like to purchase for the holidays please enjoy 20% off with code winterjoy
May you feel joyful
May you be well in body and mind
May you be at ease
May you live with a free heart